/ by Devereau Chumrau

(Pictured: Cassandra (Jessica/Lamia), Carlos (Islington,Gary) Jonathan (Carabas), Michael (Richard), Paula (Door), and Bryan (Vandemar)

Day Six “Nevermind, Dick….I’ll come down for it…” 

Feb 15

SF North 

Today we worked the opening sequence. From the sound of it, the score for the entire show is going to be incredible, especially the opening sequence. I love that moment as an audience member (or even an actor) when the opening music of the show is perfectly in line with what I think the show is; or when its just a really cool song! 

I worked on Sylvia today. I’m going in the direction of making her a little along the lines of Emily Blunt in Devil Wears Prada-ish; atleast the type of repor that her and Richard share feels very similar to Emily’s character and Anne Hathaway character. She is your typical misunderstood high strung executive assistant: skilled and extremely talented at what she does, works way too hard and never really gets the credit. Her tragic flaw: perhaps she may not be the funnest person to office chat with, also she totally uses her sexuality to her advantage.

I love playing Hunter and Sylvia equally, both have their benefits. Hunter with such depth, nuance, and physical activity. Sylvia with her delicious more subtle moments. Actually I wish I had more to do in this play as Sylvia. She’s alot of fun!